Monday, December 14, 2015

Poison and Me, Santa gets me Dropper #2

Dual suspension has been a delightful surprise - somewhere between Cx on the hardtail and right now, fresh from installing a Thomson Dropper post onto Poison, I have been crushing the trails on my new bike. 22+ PRs in China Camp alone, where previous times have not been slow. Climbing obstacles at Tamarancho and limitless traction where I slid before. Downhills, dropper down, giggling in delight vs hiding behind the saddle, bottom on the wheel. I have yet to put a scale on it, but the rig is a good 5 to 8 lbs heavier than the hardtail. I will apply some science soon.

Dropper #1 was a generous surprise from co-worker Jiro, a borrowed item that had been lent to him, deposited on my office chair the day after discussing my curiosity. A 2011ish Specialized Command Post, 125mm, perfect. So I put it on, worked great for 3 or 4 rides, then went flat on cold Turkey day during the appetite ride, stopped holding air soon after and this weekend in China camp, started creaking and loosening sideways. Time for a service, but not before Santa ordered me a Thompson that arrived today and got installed tonight.

Gorgeous Packaging

Put on a red furred, because thats how Poison rolls.

Thank you Santa - Barb is giving me the empty box for Xmas.

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