Wednesday, November 11, 2015

More Quick Happenings of Oct

Other happenings
  1. Squealing brakes on the FM166, even after 3 pad swaps and a try using the TRP discs.
  2. Floyd's Merlin got sent to Colorado using BikeFlights
  3. Remember that Tandem and rack for it? Yes.
  4. AC got an awesome IBIS Ripley carbon with Ibis 941 rims. 41 mm of carbon wide rims, super-light weight with travel, $9k but its all in one bike.
  5. Almost never commuting to work, pinned between M and Z's school start times.
  6. First flat on the FM166 carbon rims. Levers not enough. Pump not enough/very slow to fill the tube. Darkest Friday of the year, Phil stayed with me to the bitter end (thanks)

That Bike is "Poison" - Full Suspension Project and Learnings

Poison Niner Rip 9

After it went together well, completed the Niner Rip 9 and did 5 rides in a row:

  1. WMD @ SLG, JMP, Roberts and French with Mr C
  2. Tamarancho with GN, made it up the rock face I never did before. The lower link loosened on me too.
  3. WMD @ SLG, with MrC and GN, a little Fern and Pasos
  4. SLG with GN and AC, 3C's and 3PRs to my surprise. Crack hoise no problem. Best climb on face of GNs BigTree hill as well.

After AC and GN swore me to getting a dropper, my co-worker/New Coffee buddy/ex DH pro JN came through with a dropper post to try, a Specialized Command Post 125mm 3 position circa 2011. Its went on smoothly, top position is 1 inch too high, 2nd position is 1/2 inch shorter, and drop is as low as it goes.

I awoke the Sunday after the series of PRs and hill conquests then wondered if I would have a reason to ride the HT again. SO I rode it on today's WMD. Light and quick, but a little harsh and I needed to re-learn how to pick lines. I ended up liking the bike again, but I am not sure I am riding enough to be fluent with 2 bikes. The XT brakes were awesome as usual

Also, the chain kept on skipping and popping - different than usual wear sort of fail, not quite chain suck either. SO when I checked over the bike after the ride, I found the derailleur pulley was flexing all over due to being completely cracked through.

Chain Reaction came through with a $56 replacement, and I threw in a set of XT brakes for Poison as well.

Todd Finally Does Cyclocross

Cyclocross Update

After 10 years since I last tried, I fell into Cyclocross when the series kicked off in JMP park, my "home" MTB stomping grounds Oct 10th. I rode the MTB in the 35 minute "C35+" group, had a blast, took 8th.
Cranking Glass Photo
This led to the B35+ 45 minute night race Oct 17, up in Vallejo, just past Barbs old church and across from Discovery Kingdom. They lost my final placing, somewhere mid pack. Next came race 3 on Oct 24th, I was supposed to do the B35+ but I *forgot* my shoes. The organizers let me move my reg to the 60 minute A35+ race an hour later. 

A35+ pic by MJ "Turning It!"
A35+ pic by MJ "Crushing It!"
Like all the races before, heart pegged the whole way, but still ended up DFL. Seriously, a DFL. Still a good ride, but its time to get back to the C's where I belong, maybe Dec 12.