Saturday, January 7, 2023

Better Bolts - Titanium Oilslick Bling for the Headset

 An expensive new hobby of swapping bolts on Santa Creme is proceeding - after figuring out I did not have a Spank OOZY Stem after receiving the wrong kit, I checked my Amazon history and found I ordered this Spank stem instead:

But alas, the new bolts were too small :(

and the sizing on the website did not match the desired M6x16mm.

Contacting "Better Bolts" to return the incorrect M5 bolts they offered to send me the 6 x  M6x16mm I needed even though they were not on the site - and they showed up yesterday, and got installed today in the afternoon rains! I also ordered the Ti Oilslick washers to match the existing washers

Out of curiosity, and to justify the trouble and expense, I weighed the original bolt and new bolt - 5g to 3g - times 6x, thats saving a full 12g folks! I will crush it now!

The result is pretty if nothing else:

White Lines Mount Bolt Epoxy Job - Stop the Rattle!

 On today's Road Ride, the Ridley Fenix aka "White Lines" was rattling at the shared mount 

holding both the Coospoo GPS

and the MagicShine Headlight 

Rather than it being just a loose bolt, it was the socket itself embedded in the one-piece carbon handlebar that was loose!

So the plan was to apply 2 part 5-minute epoxy into the edges and even over the metal of the socket in hopes to keep it still - and doing this without messing up the threads of the socket. Ideally I could have taken it out, but for now lets start here.

Epoxy from OSH

and applied (the cool mixing nozzle did NOT work - I was unable to snap it in place/the syringe was spewing the parts out) so toothpicks became the mixing tool and applicator.

Once dry, I bolted the mount back on with some fresh Loctite knockoff, put back the Coospo and the MagicShine - no rattle, we will see how it rides.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Bars and Bolts for Santa Creme

 Back from the rain-soaked snows of Bear Valley, I had time to

  1. swap out the mid riser bars for the high riser Nuke Proof Bars
  2. swap out the broken XT shifter for the new one thank for Ebay
  3. cut down the bars approximately 1cm each side - 780? for me now? can't find my metric tape measure but I like it

  4. replaced the bolts on the brake calipers - ran out of blue loctite so put I put on the plastic holders that hide the bling 
  5. the Better Bolts stem bolt kit did not work - I don't have an Oozy, I have a "Spike", so maybe I can make up my own kit - they only show the M6x15 but I would like x16 or x17

    Next and final fix - Minion Installation!